sabato 3 gennaio 2009
...dove sei?
Solo un suono, poi null'altro.
S'abbandonava ad un canto silenzioso e nostalgico, l'eco d'infinite notti all'ombra della luna, sola ed unica compagna d'indomabili pensieri in fuga.
Il suo mondo era il turbinare di stelle, il bacio lascivo di una brezza notturna, l'avvolgente carezza di cicale e grilli.
L'essenza del ricordo ne cullava membra morbide di vent'anni, sospeso tra sospiro e lacrime color diamante...
Il sorriso spezzato s'insinuava tra labbra rubino e sangue, un cuore ferito e testardo, troppo attaccato al sogno per cedere al giorno.
Una falena le volteggiava sgraziata attorno al viso, pallida luce dispersa, specchiando nelle sue ali la bellezza delicata e tagliente di una cometa su terra e sassi, persa, così lontana dall'infinito al quale apparteneva...
La sua voce un sospiro, un sospiro soltanto tra le spalle ed il seno, note lasciate tra le fronde e l'erba d'un prato che, come uno strappo improvviso, si perdeva nel cielo...
"sono qui..." sussurrò sommessa, al cielo "...sono qui".
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8 commenti:
canto di grilli e cicale, e sorrisi e musica, e luci... Le falene amano le luci, ma finiscono con lo sbattervi addosso, come un pugno che non sanno reggere..e probabilmente scappano via...
lasher nn mi è mai stato tanto talamasca un po' di più (in riferimento al commento su la libreria di juliet)
pochi amano come (presuntuosamente) sappiamo fare noi. beati coloro che si tuffano in mille sfumature credendole riflesso proprio e non si fermano a contemplarle. ci metterebbero una vita a metabolizzarle, ammesso che gli occhi reggano.
Effettivamente stava un po' sulle scatole anche a me...decisamente più divertente Michael e quella buontempona di Mona!!!
hai ragione...amare, per la gente come noi, è distruggere ogni equilibrio ed inventarne di nuovi, rinnegare la realtà precipitandosi nel sogno, perdendosi nell'ignoto...l'amore è la creazione di un universo nuovo ed unico, la genesi dell'infinito.
Ma siamo merce rara, amica mia, creature singolari ed uniche, hai ragione anche in questo...
Hello again Alessandro!
I am sorry about the mix up about the children! I got on the wrong blog, and assumed the picture was you. :)
Do you mind if I ask how you learned to speak English so well? I have a Mexican cousin-in-law who has lived in the U.S. since he was a little boy and he still has trouble speaking it well.
I am sure you are enjoying warmer weather than we are here, right now it is 30*F outside, it makes you wonder if you want to open the door to bring in the mail! :)
Have a Blessed Day!
No, you do not right too much! How nice it must be to speak 2 languages, and for so long,I envy you! And,your grammar is not bad at all, my cousin still says "How you say..." when he wants to say something!
It is neat that your church used English to share the gospel. That is what our church has done in the past with a Mexican man (Eddie), who would go out with our Pastor sharing the gospel. If Pastor came across someone who was interested in the Bible, but could not communicate with him, then Eddie would talk with them in their native tongue.
I did not know that northern Italy got snow! I thought all of Italy was warm and tropic. We have a ton of ice here, I went out to our garage ( our storage area since the fire) to get a book, and almost slid to it! My sister wanted to go out shopping, but it is way too cold and windy to go out.
Stay Warm! :)
I would love to see pictures of Italy, especially ones taken in winter! :) I can honestly say that I love the Winter, I know a lot of people who hate it.
I love to read! I have had more time to read now, since the weather and being sick. Right now, I am reading "John Adams", by David McCollough (who is a big history author here), and an autobigraphy of George Muller,(who was a tremendous prayer warrior in the 1850's. The only problem is that I need help looking for it in the garage.:) ) I love to read antique books,the classic authors, and the old Sherlock Holmes mysteries...I don't know if you have ever heard of him though.
Your grammar is good, there really isn't anything to correct!
I will try not to fall, the last thing I want now are any black and blue marks!
Have a Nice Night!
Hello Alessandro, I am glad to read that you did not fall on the ice!
I am sorry that I missed the Fall season, it sounds like it was beautiful, but I'm sure that the winter is close to it! It was just beautiful here today, it was like being in a giant snow globe.I am looking forward to the pictures, to see what an Italian city looks like.
We had a busy day too, we spent the entire day with my sister and her family.It's hard looking after 3 children when your not used to it-they can keep us jumping!
As to politics....I love and hate them together. My family and I love history though, to us it's a way of seeing God's hand down through the ages.
~Have a Relaxing Night!
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