mercoledì 21 gennaio 2009


La barba punge fastidiosa, ispida, graffiando la faccia contro il cuscino quasi fosse asfalto.
Dovrei radermi, lo so, me lo ripeto da giorni.
Mi guardo allo specchi, osservo quella lametta usa e getta con un pizzico di malcelato disgusto, sollevando l'angolo della bocca con l'aria di chi pensa "radermi con quella schifezza?naaa".
Brutto cazzone, il marsigliese hai imparato ad usarlo, tu che ti lamenti tanto?
Ecco il rimbombo nella mia testa.
E la risposta non tarda a giungere.

"Fatti i cazzi tuoi"

La cosa più divertente è che le parole sembrano uscire dallo specchio, proprio da lì.
Sempre mentre mi chiedo se radermi o lasciare perdere.

3 commenti:

un tocco di zenzero ha detto...

se la fai crescere ancora un po' diventerà morbida e non ti darà più fastidio quando appoggerai il viso sul cuscino... XXX

Juliet ha detto...

nn raderla...adoro gli uomini con la barba incolta

Kaitlyn Michelle ha detto...

Good Morning Ale!
I am so happy to hear that you will be able to use Ray Comforts blog with your co-worker, I know that you will be able to find many things on it that will be useful to you. It really is a wonderful site.

Oh Ale,I think we all could sometimes have a lesson or two about our pride! Our pride is a horrible thing, but God knows how to deal with it in each of us, as a loving and faithful Father. (I hope you found Joshua interesting though. :)
When you are done there you will have to read Hebrews, that is one of my favorite books, when I went to it this morning in my Bible, I never realized how much I actually had underlined in it! :)

If you need the sites, I will just post them on my blog today, you are not hurrying me, as I have been working on the post for a few days now, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I have been! :)

How nice it must be to be such good friends of the people who told you about the Lord...they must be all the dearer to you because of their love for Christ.
So, I was right about Anthony being Italian- I thought for sure that he was! They have a beautiful family.

Since you mentioned your grandparents living in Sicily, I wanted to ask you if you live alone in Turin, or if you have family near by.

As to the furniture, I was able to pick out my new mattress, but not the chair that I want for my room. It seems that everything was either built for a child, way,way too big, or the new thing in design is to have no arms on chairs. I don't know about you, but when want to go into my room and read a book...I want my arms to have a place to rest! ;)
The mattress I really was not looking forward to picking out... you have to sit on something (with somebody standing right in front of you)and guess how it would feel to lay down on it for 8 hours every night, it a strange thing. LOL
But yes, you are right about me not buying the first thing I saw. :)
I had to go to 3 different stores before I found what I wanted.

I will be sending my email address to you shortly, as I am very excited about your novel and (when your work slows down enough your) message!

Don't worry about being talkative Ale,I enjoy talking with you too!

Have a Peaceful Day!