sabato 17 gennaio 2009


Il rumore delle onde s'infrangeva con quello dei suoi passi scalzi sulla battigia, carezzandole d'acqua e suoni la pelle pallida odor del mare.
La brezza leggera le attraversava i capelli, immergendosi tra riccioli ribelli come le onde che, spingedosi oltre la spiaggia, parevan volessero far l'amore con gli scogli...
Camminava, un'ombra lenta sulla sabbia, leggera, tra stelle ammiccanti e rumori notturni,
tenendo per mano una luna sospesa tra il suo mondo e l'infinito...
Il mare, la sintesi, l'essenza.

5 commenti:

un tocco di zenzero ha detto...

praticamente mi hai descritta... ;)

Juliet ha detto...


Voxdei ha detto...

@un tocco di zenzero: quando l'astratto incontra la vita è sempre un grande onore. Felice tu abbia fatto tuoi i miei scarabocchi digitali.

@juliet: dai voce ai pensieri, sono curioso ;-)

Kaitlyn Michelle ha detto...

Ciao Ale! I have been about you?
I am sorry to be getting back to you so late, but we had quite the busy day looking for some new furniture and beds for my brother and I(as we had to throw a lot away due to smoke damage).

I want to say that I would love to have your short novel and sermon that you wrote! I'd really enjoy reading them. :)
(I could send you my email address if you think it would be easier to send that way.)

Last night I read John 15, and it is a very beautiful chapter, I can see why you love it so much. I have been reading in Joshua, which has been such a blessing to me. It is teaching me that God means what he says, and does not suggest things for our approval.

I found on a great website, different methods for reading your Bible. I have tried it the couple of days and it really is fun,(I am doing the "30 Days with Jesus" and "30 Days in the Psalms"). I am going to post them on my blog in the next few days, or if you want the site sooner I could just give it to you.In the past I found that I wasn't sure what book I should start in, but this has helped me cover more chapters in the New and Old Testament, as I tend to get stuck in one or the other! :)

Oh, and Ale ,I posted pictures of my Italian tell me what you think. ;)

Since you mentioned the Testa's, I can across their families blog, and they seem like such sweet people who really love the Lord. I want to ask you though, are they both Italian, or are they from the U.S.?

I am happy that you found The Way of the Master so helpful. If you liked their website you should read Ray Comforts blog (the other man from the website),I have it on my blog, under "favorite blogs".It is always a great read,and he is constantly debating atheists and non-believers, in such a God-honoring way.

I am glad to be encouraging you in the Lord- May He continue to Bless You, Ale!

Now that I wrote enough for one night! :)
Talk with you soon!

P.S.-I love your new blog pet! :) Did you name her?

un tocco di zenzero ha detto... diciamo così.. :P